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Activate your innate gifts and create abundant life with
the power
of Source energy

...because the whole world is waiting for your Light...

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your innate gifts
and talents
and start creating life you were destined to live.


with your Soul's essence and raise
your vibration so you can
step onto the path of your life purpose


and become a multidimensional BEing using your unlimited potential whilst contributing to collective consciousness.

Step forward at the times of great awakening
and answer your Soul's calling
with Light Activation from Source light.

Start your journey HERE

Healing with Divine Love
Light Activation


Let you mind body and spirit bask in the beauty of Divine Love and Source energy.

We start with a gentle meditation to become more receptive and relaxed
to the powerful energy of Divine Love.

Light Activation is an energy transmission

This evening will be focused on pure love that will heal any past hurts, sadness, fears so you can open your heart and trust in
the beauty of life once again. 

Get your FREE recording

5 Evening classes with Diana Cooper and Nikoleta

The magic of higher communication – telepathy

During this series of classes, Merlin himself will switch on your Codes of Telepathy.  

The classes will include attunements to different aspects of telepathic communication, a meditation, Source transmissions and practice exercises.

More info and registration

Events with Nikoleta

Join us in the realms
of higher frequencies and meet
the highest version of yourself.

Light Activation is an energy transmission which will help you anchor your true Light into
your mind, body and energy field.

Discover more

Experience YOUR entire BEing

within Your Human Self.


Get in touch with Your Soul's Potential
and start to live as a Multidimensional Being
with limitless possibilities in this beautiful physical world.

You can really Be, Do and Create everything You Desire.

Light Activation
Private Session 


An individual energetic session
to awaken the deepest parts
of your Soul
These sessions are very unique and they are tailored to suit the needs
of your Being.

We will be working through any blocks that may be in the way on your journey and activate your connection
to Source
, deepen your intuition and psychic abilities.

I become a conduit for Source Light
to co-create with your Higher Self. 
With Light Activation we can bring through exactly what you need on your ascension journey at this time.

Light Activation session

for Higher Heart Activation

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Let's stay in touch


to receive channelled guidance and light on your ascension journey.