Activate the Light within and watch Your Gifts Unfold.

Get ready to download your Cosmic Codes
to align, embrace and embark
on the journey of your Soul path.

You have chosen your Soul path
before your arrival to Earth to live an abundant life.

All you need to do is step onto it.

By receiving your Cosmic Codes
from Source Light you will:

  • clear your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual body
    to make space for your Soul's calling
  • accelerate your ascension path
  • dissolve any blocks that are holding you back from moving forward
  • transform the energy of being stuck into courage to move on
  • deepen your intuition and abilities to hear your inner guidance
  • strengthen your connection to your higher self
  • gain clarity on your next steps
  • naturally attract opportunities which are aligned with your Soul
  • have confidence to answer your soul's calling
  • energetic shift and realignment to a higher version of yourself in this time and space

Your Cosmic Codes
will be anchored to your energy field and continue
toĀ guide you to your Soul path after this session.

Get your recording here

We will be working with:

  • Source Light energy
  • Light LanguageĀ 
  • Your Cosmic Codes
  • Light Activation Transmission

What People say:

"My husband and I took part in Nikoleta's Light Activation evening.
It was such a wonderful journey to source and high vibrations.
Nikoleta's soft guidance and intuition took us at such a deep level. I have felt the benefits from it for days now and I know from experience, that more is to come.
An experience like no other. I cannot recommend Nikoleta enough šŸ™"


"Experiencing a meditation session with Nikoleta is such
a magical journey from start to finish.Ā 
Channelling love and light, she makes you feel so calm and up lifted at the same time. I would highly recommend."


What to expect?

  • Channelled meditation
  • Recieving and activating your Cosmic CodesĀ 
  • Deep energy clearing and healing
  • You might experience energy moving through your body on a physical level and an emotional release
  • Feeling of "homecoming" and meeting your Being

Join us from the comfort of your own home.

  • make sure you are uninterrupted
    and warm during Light Transmission
  • wear cosy warm clothes
  • have a bottle of water nearby
  • journal and pen, you can receive information,
    ideas and insights that you wouldn't like to forget
  • you can bring your favourite crystal,
    if you'd wish to enhanceĀ the energy
  • and last but not least
    Yourself with an open mind and heart


Get your recording here

Who will guide You?

Motivational speaker, channel of Source Light and Healer anchoring high frequencies.

Nikoleta's life passion and Soul purpose is to awaken people to their true potential and their ability to create reality as a multidimensional Being.

A huge part of her work is helping people
on their Ascension journey
with channelled wisdom and Light Activations.

WhilstĀ the connection to Source energy is bringing high frequencies and cosmic codes we can all together raise our vibration, expand our consciousness and open our hearts to experience Unity and Oneness with Source and one another.